Veterans Prayers

Prayers from the Civil War
Veterans Prayers Text
Vietnam Vets Prayer
Army, by branch
Tribute to the Flag
11th ACR
28th Keystone Division
Patton's Weather Prayer
Airborne Prayers, Paratroopers, Gliderman and Air Assault
Airborne, 160th Night Stalkers
Airborne, text
St. Michael's Jump Commands
St. Mike JC, A
St. Mike JC, B
St Mike JC, C
US Navy
US Coast Guard
Knight's Prayer
Military Order of the Purple Heart
Red Horse Squadron, USAF, RVN
USMC & Dedication of 5th Marine Division Cemetary
USMC Prayer
5th Marine Division Cem. Dedication
5th Mar Div Cem, Story
Natl. Assoc. of Vietnam Veteran Ministers,VVA
French Paratrooper Prayer, First Indochina War
Women Veterans
USAF, and their families
Prayers from the Civil War
Common Catholic Prayers
Byzantine Catholic Prayers
Episcopal Prayers
Popular WWII Prayers
Hero's, The 4 Chaplains
Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance
links to Veterans Prayers 2
Links and Stuff
Medics and Corpsman
Seabee's Prayer
Prayers for those in Recovery
Veterans Poems and Such
Fraternal Bondage, vet to vet
Mortuary Affairs
Who's Packing Your Parachute?

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More Prayers from Union and other sources will follow.


We will add data as we find it.

Some veterans with PTSD have found comfort with this material.















Compiled from an old writer, with alterations and additions suitable to the present condition of the Confederate States of America.

        Gracious Father, the life of man is a warfare upon earth, and the dangers which assault us are diversely pointed against us. We humbly beseech Thee be present with us in all the course and passages of our lives, but especially in the Secession we have undertaken, and the hostilities in which it has involved us. Suffer no malice, or treachery, or stratagem--whether civil, diplomatic, or military, to hurt us; no cunning to circumvent us; no surprises to overtake or discomfit us; no falsehood to betray us. That which we cannot foresee we beseech Thee to prevent; that which we cannot withstand we beseech Thee to master; that which we do not fear we beseech Thee to unmask and frustrate-- that being delivered from all dangers of spirit, soul and body, we may praise

Thee, our Deliverer, and experience how secure and happy a thing it is to make the Lord of Hosts our Protector and Helper in the day of fear and trouble, of peril and distress.

       O, our GOD, though mighty and numerous States gather together on heaps, yet let them be driven away from our borders as the smoke before the wind; and though they take counsel together, bring it to nought. For though they pronounce a decree, yet it shall not stand, if Thou, O GOD, be with us. Be with us, therefore, O GOD, for Jesus Christ's sake. Almighty and merciful Father, at this time we need Thy more especial assistance both by land and by sea, and for the mercy of Christ deny us neither. Defeat, we implore Thee, the designs and confound the machinations of our enemies; abate their pride and assuage their fury; soften their hearts and change their unnatural hatred into Christian love, and forgive them all their sins against Thee and against us. Grant that their ships may find no way in our seas, nor any path in our floods; may their spies be speedily detected and effectually banished from our midst; preserve us from war and tumult; from battle, murder, and sudden death; guard us from sedition, conspiracy, and rebellion; protect our soldiers from capture and imprisonment; defend our soil from invasion and our ports from blockade--that we may glorify Thee for these deliverances,

no less than for Thy signal presence and power in the mercies of our bloodless victory; and thus being sheltered by Thy grace and favor from every spiritual and temporal evil, and from all personal and national calamities, we may ever obey and serve Thee in purity of heart and holiness of life, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all praise, worship and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.



From the same writer.


         O GOD, we beseech Thee, forgive and pardon our enemies, and give us that measure of Thy grace, that for their hatred we may love them; for their cursing we may bless them; for their injury we may do them good; and for their persecution we may pray for them. They have laid a net for our steps, and they have digged a pit before us; Lord, we desire not that they themselves should fall into the midst of these, but we beseech Thee keep us out of them, and deliver, establish, bless and prosper us for Thy mercy's sake in Jesus Christ our Saviour, to whom with Thee and the Holy Spirit, we desire to consecrate ourselves and our country, now and forever, imploring Thee to be our GOD, and to make us Thy people. Amen.



From McGuire's Religious Opinions and Character of Washington.


 Almighty Father, if it is Thy holy will that we shall obtain a place and name among the nations of the earth, grant that we may be enabled to show our gratitude for Thy goodness, by our endeavors to fear and obey Thee. Bless us with wisdom in our councils, success in battle, and let all our victories be tempered with humanity. Endow, also, our enemies with enlightened minds, that they may become sensible of their injustice, and willing to restore our liberty and peace. Grant the petition of Thy servant for the sake of Him whom Thou hast called Thy beloved Son; nevertheless, not our will but Thine be done. Amen


By Bishop Green, of Mississippi.


    Almighty God, whose Providence watcheth over all things, and in whose hands is the disposal of all events, we look up to Thee for Thy protection and blessing amidst the apparent and great dangers with which we are encompassed. Thou hast, in Thy wisdom, permitted us to be threatened with the many evils of an unnatural and destructive war. Save us, we beseech Thee, from the hands of our enemies. Watch over our fathers, and brothers, and sons, who, trusting in Thy defence and in the righteousness of our cause, have gone forth to the service of their country. May their lives be precious in Thy sight. Preserve them from all the dangers to which they may be exposed. Enable them successfully to perform their duty to Thee and to their country, and do Thou, in Thine infinite wisdom and power, so overrule events, and so dispose the hearts of all engaged in this painful struggle, that it may soon end in peace and brotherly love, and lead not only to the safety, honor and welfare of our Confederate States, but to the good of Thy people, and the glory of Thy great name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.CHARLESTON, S. C., FAST DAY,June 13th, A. D. 1861.













Chaplain 1st Tenn. Regiment.







Chaplain 1st Tenn. Regiment.



                        Now may the God of grace and power

                         Attend his people's humble cry;

                         Defend them in the needful hour,

                         And send deliverance from on high.


                         In His salvation is our hope;

                         And in the name of Israel's God

                         Our troops shall lift their banners up,

                         Our navies spread their flags abroad.


                         Some trust in horses trained for war,

                         And some of chariots make their boast;

                         Our surest expectations are

                         From Thee, the Lord of heavenly hosts.


                         Then save us, Lord, from slavish fear,

                         And let our trust be firm and strong,

                         Till Thy salvation shall appear,

                         And hymns of peace conclude our song.

Christ our Refuge.

                         Jesus, Saviour of my soul,

                         Let me to Thy bosom fly,

                         While the waves of trouble roll,

                         While the tempest still is high:

                         Hide me, O my Saviour, hide,

                         Till the storm of life is past;

                         Safe into the haven guide;

                         O receive my soul at last.

                         Other refuge have I none,

                         Hangs my helpless soul on Thee,

                         Leave, ah, leave me not alone;

                         Still support and comfort me:

                         All my trust on Thee is stayed,

                         All my hope from Thee I bring;

                         Cover my defenceless head

                         With the shadow of Thy wing.


Almighty God, whom without faith it is not possible to please, enable me, I beseech Thee, so perfectly to believe in Thy son Jesus Christ that my faith in Thy sight may never be reproved; and grant that, as I am called to a knowledge of Thy grace and faith in Thee, I may avoid all those things that are contrary to my profession, and follow all such as are agreeable to the same; through Jesus Christ our Lord.




