First, we hope this effort is a small reminder of our service;
and to that which binds us together as a Band of Brothers and Sisters, which we are privileged to belong to.
Second, we hope to provide copies of prayers, poems, thoughts
and quotes for veterans and all of us so we can find ways to become closer with our Higher Power, fellow vets, family and
community to heal and find serenity.
Abbey Forgiveness Prayer,
Found on the body of a woman at
(While this is not
a prayer by a veteran, it deeply affected the vets who found it and it is a great blessing.)
O Lord
Remember not only
The men and women of good will.
But also those of evil will.
And in remembering
The suffering they inflicted upon us,
Honor the fruits we have borne
Thanks to this suffering --- our comradeship, our humility
Our compassion, our courage, our generosity, the greatness of heart
That has grown out of all this;
And when they come to the judgment,
Let all the fruits
That we have borne.
Be their forgiveness
The Warriors
Oh warrior, my brother, my sister:
We once prepared for battle, and served our causes as best we could. Perhaps we are stained by blood shed by others, or carry
scars from our own wounds. Yet our task is not complete until we have acknowledged
one another. Oh warrior, my brother my sister, I offer to you the following: I will honor your experience of service, recognizing
that while your cause may not be mine, the terrors of war bind us together. I
will listen to your story, and share with you my own for without each other we cannot know the truth, nor can we tell the
story to our children.
I will value your life, even though
in the past we may have sought to destroy one another and may indeed have destroyed lives precious to each other, today your
life is precious to me. I will give you the gift of my presence, that we may
know each other as the warriors we are, complete our task, and welcome each other into our homes. Alan Cutter,
NAVVVM, 1999
Parachutists, Glider, Air Assault, etc.
Chaplain George B. Wood
Almighty God, Our Heavenly Father; Who art above us and beneath us, within
and around us; Drive from our minds of our paratroops any fear of the space in which Thou art ever present. Give them confidence
in the strength of Thine Everlasting arms to uphold them. Endure them with clear minds and pure hearts that they may participate
worthily in the victory which this nation must achieve in Thy name through Thy will. Make them hardy soldiers of our country
as well as of Thy Son, Our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen. Chaplain George B. Wood
Hear My Call
Chaplain Terry Austin, Advanced
Airborne School, Fort Bragg
Heavenly Father, hear my call; for through the sky I will soon fall. Stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door, I pray for your will, nothing less, nothing
more. One thousand, two thousand, three thousand, four . . . My canopy fill fore
I count any more. Give me courage, in the midst of my fear, to enjoy your worlds
beauty from way up here. From jumpers and obstacles float me clear, and safely to the drop zone help me steer. Feet and knees together, preparing myself to land, never more aware that Im secure
within your hand. Guide and help me, as I quickly get to my feet, to conquer
every obstacle til the mission is complete. In our Lords name I shall forever pray, because Im Airborne and Prayerborne
all the way. AMEN
Jumpmaster Prayer Chaplain Terry Austin, Advanced Airborne School, Fort Bragg
Heavenly Father, you have created the earth and sky, and have given man the
ingenuity to leave the earth in flight and return by parachute. In my chosen
profession as a Jumpmaster, I have accepted responsibility in a task in which there is no margin for error, no second chance
to do it right next time, or do it over again. I humbly realize that when I stand
before a jumper and inspect that I am taking his life into my hands. Help me
to realize my own limitations and to concentrate fully on each person and on each task. Lord, help me to never ever take
anything for granted as a Jumpmaster. Through your gifts and training I have the eyes, hands, and mind to be a Jumpmaster. Help me to never be complacent but always be determined to further sharpen and hone
my skills.
And Lord, when I report to you for my final manifest call may I hear you say,
Well done Jumpmaster, my faithful servant enter into your reward.
Paratrooper Prayers 101st
Airborne, #1 Source- CH LTC Douglas Carver, 101st Abn Division (Airmoble)
Dear God, your ancient prophet has told us that,
...they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up
with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk
and not faint. (Is 40:31) Flying on the wings of eagles is exhilarating. It is the running and the walking that are difficult. Teach us to wait upon you so that we might yet run the race of life, and walk the path of faith in
true service to you and all humanity. Amen. #2Almighty God, who has created
the heavens above, and has selected from your creatures some to receive the gift
of flight, grant to those who mount up as with the wings of eagles in defense
of their country, the sword of righteousness and the swiftness of angels. May
their descent be as lightning from above, and the strength of their arms like
rolling thunder, that breaking upon the adversary with sudden fury, they may
put him to confusion, for the defense of liberty, and for the increase of freedom. Amen. Source: LTC Douglas Carver,
Paratrooper Prayers 101st
Airborne Division, #3, Chaplain Douglas Carver
O Lord our God, thou who art powerful, thou who
strengthens the righteous person with courage and faith, who blesses the humble
and lowly, I confess O Lord my fears and my sins before thee. O Lord, be merciful
and loving to me thy servant. Be with me, my God, and give me wings like eagles
so I can run and not be weary, walk and not faint. We are approaching the time
that we Stand at the Door. Give me the wisdom to know and the courage to believe that thou art always with me and so I have no fear. I ask these things in all humility in your holy name. Amen.
LTC Douglas Carver,
Paratrooper Prayers 101st
Airborne Division - #4, Chaplain Carver
Father of Mercy, now, God, as we mount up with wings like eagles be near
us. As we enter this time of danger we pray to you, O Lord, who created the
universe and the very air we are about to jump (fly) through. We ask Lord, that
you would bring to our minds all of the skills that we have been taught. We ask
Lord, that just as you stilled the water that you still the air. We pray, O God,
that we might be granted safety from hostile fire and all the devices of the
enemy; and for courage so that we might perform our mission with success and
honor. Finally, our Father, when this time is over, we ask that you remind us
to offer up prayers of thanksgiving, so that we might remember the courage you
have granted us now when we choose between right and wrong in the future. To
your glory we offer this mission and this prayer.
Amen. Source:
LTC Douglas Carver,
Paratrooper Prayers 101st
Airborne Division - #5 Chaplain Carver
Lord, the heavens and the earth and everything
in them belong to you. We do, toowe are your own. We now place ourselves at great
risk, not to test you or to tempt you, but to serve righteousness and to defeat
evil. We submit our cause to you and we ask your blessing upon our soil. May
we have such confidence in your love for us that we can turn our minds completely to the things we can and must controlour parachutes, our
gear, and our behaviorfor we know that unless we exercise authority over our
fears and our excitement, our jump will not be safe. Lord, we know that you will
not forget us in our aircraft or under our canopies. Neither will we forget you
on the drop zone or back at home. Thanks for going with us all the way. Amen. Source: LTC Douglas Carver,
101st Abn
Paratrooper Prayers 101st
Airborne Division - #6, Chaplain LTC Pat Hash, Division Chaplain
. O Eternal God, whose canopy is forever over
us: help us to feel your presence
with us this day. Instill confidence in us as we put our trust in others; our
jumpmaster, static line safety, pilots, DACO and CTT. Keep our minds clear as
we execute our five points of performance. And remain with us that we may arrive
safely to our assembly area to carry on our mission. Amen.
Paratrooper Prayers 101st
Airborne Division - #7, Chaplain Hash
Dear God, Your ancient prophet has told us that,...they
who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary,
and they shall walk and not faint. (Is. 40:31) Flying on the wings of eagles
is exhilarating. It is the running and the walking that are difficult. Teach us to wait upon You so that we might yet run the race of life, and walk the path of faith in true
service to You and all Humanity. Amen.
Geronimo Prayer
Written by Chaplain Danny Presswood, 1991.
Heavenly father, hear my call, For through the sky I will
soon fall. Stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door, I pray for your will, nothing less, nothing more. One thousand, two thousand,
three thousand, four... My canopy fill fore I count any more. Give me courage, in the midst of my fear, to enjoy your worlds
beauty from way up here. From jumpers and obstacles float me clear, and safely to the drop zone help me steer. Feet n knees
together, preparing myself to land, never more aware that Im secure within your hand. Guide and help me lord, as I get quickly
to my feet, to conquer every obstacle til the mission is complete. In our Lords name I shall forever pray, cause Im AIRBORNE
and PRAYER BORNE GERONIMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope theres a drop zone, way up in the sky, Where old PARATROOPERS
can go, when its time to say goodbye... A place where a guy could drink a cold beer, For a friend and a comrade whose
memory held dear...
A place where no leg or blackshoe could tread, Nor a Pentagon type would
ere be caught dead! Just a quaint little oclub, for a drink and good smoke, Where they like to sing aloud, and tell
a good joke...
The kind of place, where a lady can go, And feel safe and protected by
the soldiers she knows... There must be a place for old PARATROOPERS to go, When their eyes get too weary, and their
drinks get too low...
Where the whiskey is old and the women are young, And songs bout jumping,
fighting and dying are sung... Where youd see all the troopers, youd served with before, And theyd call out your name,
as you came thru the door...
They would pour you a drink, for your thirst, oh so bad, And declare
to all others, This troopers a fine lad! And then thru the haze, spot a brother grunt, Not seen in years, since by your
side, he did jump!
Hed nod his old head and grin ear to ear, Welcome home trooper, Im pleased
that youre here! For this is the place where PARATROOPERS come, When the battles are over, and the wars have been won...
Theyve come here at last, to be safe and afar, From the government clerk
and the management czar... The politicians and lawyers, the feds and the noise, Where all the hours are happy, amongst
good old boys!
You can relax with a tall, cool one, Take your well-deserved rest... For
you made it to AIRBORNE Heaven, PARATROOPER, youve passed your last test..!
A poem by Peter S. Griffin
Death found us, on the battlefields of freedom, Duty, Honor, Country,
the noblest of reasons.... Fallen Screaming Eagles, we paid the toll, Our sacrifices, etched, forever, on our souls....
Engaging battle, from the sky, Looking death, straight in the eye.... We
feared no enemy, on this earth, On righteousness, Fallen Screaming Eagles perch....
Now we lay silent, in fields of green, Our children, in FREEDOM, frolic
in our dreams.... Eternal peace, granted, by a loving God, Our highest decoration, the FORGET-ME-NOT, to cover our sod....
Peter Griffin
Dear Saint Michael, please answer
this plea,
Wrap your protective shield, all
about me....
Please stop my torments, that
never cease,
Evil horrors, that Satan has
Agonies befall me, both day
and night,
A battle that, I can no longer
All my stuggles, have been in
Gone on too long, cant bear
the pain....
This war has gone on..., so
very long,
Completely worn down, no longer
My enemies attack from every side,
Finally..., I accept defeat
and long to die....
If not in your power, to end
this pain,
Ask God to admit me..., to his
heavenly domain....
For without you, this war is
I can no longer..., bear its
I have but one fear, Satan will
conquer me,
So Dear Saint Michael, answer
this plea....
Lay me on your shield, carry
me home,
If God permits, lay me at the
foot of his throne....
It was an honor to fight, for
God and freedom,
If only our people, would understand
the reasons....
Evil still stalks..., Gods blessed
My dying wish, they come to
appreciate, the warriors worth...!
Peter S. Griffin
Co. A, 2/502nd Infantry
101st Airborne Division
Viet Nam, 1965-66
Please pray for peace, your combat veterans, and the defeat of Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder.
USAF Para-rescue Thoughts
of a Pararescueman, author unknown
I am that which others do not want to be. I chose to go where others reared
and excel where they have failed. I ask for nothing from those that will not
give anything anyway and reluctantly accepted the thought of eternal loneliness,... Should I Fail. I have seen the face of death, felt the stinging cold of fear, I have realized the harsh reality of just
what this job is all about. I enjoyed the sweet taste of victory and love but, those were just fleeting moments. I have cried, pained and hoped but, most of all, I have lived times others would say are best forgotten...
But, At least I will be able to say that I was proud of who and what I am and that in my heart and soul I will always be a
Prayer to St Michael the Archangel Excerpted
from the Akathist to the Archangel (orthodox)Nov. 8/21
O Holy and Great Archangel of God Michael,
who standest, as the first of the Angels, before the ineffable
and super-substantial Trinity; who art placed as a watcher and keeper over the human race, who hast with thine armies
crushed the head of the proud Lucifer in the heavens and brought forever to shame his wickedness and treachery on earth! To
thee we have recourse in faith, and thee we entreat with love: be thou an indestructible shield and firm rampart for the holy
Church and the Orthodox Christians, guarding them by the lightning power of thy sword from all enemies visible and invisible.
Be thou a guardian Angel, a wise counselor and companion of the Christian
people, bringing them enlightenment, strength, joy, peace and consolation.
Be thou a leader and a companion in battle to those who strive for the Orthodox
Faith, so that all who fight against us may know that God and His holy Angels are with us.
Forsake us not, O Archangel of God, with thy help and protection, who today
glorify thy holy name: for behold, even if we are have sinned greatly, nevertheless we would not perish in our misdeeds, but
rather turn to the Lord and be enlivened by Him unto good works.
Illumine our minds with the light of God, which ever shineth on thy lightning-like
brow, that we may come to understand what the good and perfect will of God for us is, and know all that we must do, and all
that we must despise and shun.
Strengthen, by the Lords grace, our weak will and infirm intention, so that,
confirmed in the law of the Lord, we may cease to be cast about by worldly thoughts and lusts of the flesh, or like thoughtless
children to be drawn by the perishing glamour of this world, lest by corruptible and earthly things we foolishly forget the
eternal and the heavenly.
And above all these things, ask for us from on high the spirit of true repentance,
unfeigned sorrow before God, and contrition for our sins, so that we may spend the days that remain of this passing life,
not in pleasing ourselves and serving our passions, but rather in effacing the evils we have committed, by the tears of faith
and heartfelt contrition, by striving for purity and the holy works of mercy.
And when the time of our demise shall approach, and of our liberation from
this body of clay, leave us not, O Archangel of God, without defense against the spirits of evil under heaven, who surround
us to close off the ascent on high for human souls; so that, guarded by thee, without stumbling we may attain unto those glorious
habitations of Paradise, where there is neither sadness nor sighing, but life without end, and may be granted to see the light-filled
Face of our all-good Lord and Master, falling with tears at His feet, crying out in joy and gladness:
Glory to Thee, our most dear Redeemer, Who for Thy great love toward us unworthy
ones hast seen fit to send Thine Angel as a minister of our salvation.
Translated from the Full Collection of Prayers,compiled by Archpriest A. Stavrovskii,
St. Petersburg 1914..
The Collect
of the Parachute Regiment and Airborne
May the defence of the Most High be above and
beneath, around and within us, in our going out and in our coming in, in our rising up and in our going down, through all
our days and all our nights, until the dawn when the Sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings for the peoples
of the world. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN Source: Brian Rioran, webmaster Ex Red Devils
The Collect
For Peace
O God, who art the author of peace and lover of concord, in knowledge of whom
standeth our eternal life, whose service is perfect freedom: defend us Thy humble servants in all assaults of our enemies;
that we, surely trusting in Thy defense, may not fear the power of any adversaries, through the might of Jesus Christ our
Lord. AMEN.
The Airborne
Millennium Prayer
O God, our Father, in whom a thousand years are but as yesterday; may we always
be inspired by your love, so that, armed with the sword of the Spirit, we can conquer fear and dedicate ourselves to your
glory through service to our Queen, our country and to all humanity. Protect, comfort and uphold us, at all times, in the
air, on land and at sea, so that we may worthily carry out the tasks that are set before us, through him who is the sale yesterday,
today and tomorrow, even Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN.
1st Cav,
Veterans Day Prayer
Day is done, gone the sun, from the lakes,From the hills, from the sky, all
is well,Safely rest, God is nigh. Fading light, dims the sight, And a star gems the sky, gleaming bright, From afar, drawing
nigh, falls the night. Thanks and praises, for our days, Neath the stars, neath the sky,As we go, this we know, God is neigh.
Jumping Mustangs Prayers ,Chaplain
Roger Talmadge,
Chaplains Battle Prayer prior to our first combat Air Assault on 28 Sep
1965 in the relief of elements the 101st Airborne Division.
Our Father in Heaven, we thank You for Your
Presence in our lives. As we go into combat, may we Jumping Mustangs see our mission as greater than our own safety, one
that encompasses the freedoms of our families, nation and the world. Help us who would fight under the Jumping Mustang
Banner to have the coolness and clearness of mind to be so spiritually prepared that in the moment of crisis, our destiny
might be so firm, our conviction so clear, our dedication so sincere, the we will not waver. May our victories become stairways
to a spirit re-dedicated to live at peace with all men.
Patriotic Poems
God and the Soldier, we adore, In time of danger, not before. The danger passed and all things righted, God
is forgotten and the Soldier slighted. Kipling
He went where others feared to go, and did what others failed
to do. He cried, pained and hoped-- but most of all he lived times-- never to be forgotten. Unknown Author
OUR TREE (The Jumping Mustang
Tree in Arlington) By Harry Heater
Joyce Kilmer wrote a poem, Theres Nothing Like
A Tree. He was an Army Soldier, Just like you and me.
He was on his way to battle, And he died that very day. So
let this tree be a symbol, Of our boys who passed away.
We gathered all this dirt, from our Homes in all the
states, To make its roots very strong, and Never suffer breaks.
We placed our plaque upon the ground, For
the world and all to see. So no one will ever forget, They gave their lives for our liberty.
Final Inspection
The soldier stood and faced God Which must always come to pass He hoped
his shoes were shining Just as brightly as his brass.
Step forward now, you soldier, How shall I deal with you? Have
you always turned the other cheek? To My Church have you been true?
The soldier squared his shoulders and said, No,
Lord, I guess I aint Because those of us who carry guns Cant always be a saint.
Ive had to work most Sundays And
at times my talk was tough, And sometimes Ive been violent, Because the world is awfully rough.
But, I never
took a penny That wasnt mine to keep... Though I worked a lot of overtime When the bills got just too steep,
And I never passed a cry for help, Though at times I shook with fear, And sometimes, God forgive
me, Ive wept unmanly tears.
I know I dont deserve a place Among the people here, They never wanted me around Except
to calm their fears.
If youve a place for me here, Lord, It neednt be so grand, I never expected or had too much, But
if you dont, Ill understand.
There was a silence all around the throne Where the saints had often trod As the
soldier waited quietly, For the judgment of his God,
Step forward now, you soldier, Youve borne your burdens
well, Walk peacefully on Heavens streets, Youve done your time in Hell.
What would you do if you had
a total malfunction and no reserve?
Theres not much you could do. But you are smarter than that. Youd never jump
without a reserve.
Well, unfortunatley most men live life without a spiritual reserve. You see, God has given all men a NOGO in life.
The Bible says in Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory
of God.
Ever pray before a Jump? Its not fun to think about, but are you sure you
will end
up in Heaven if the worst were to happen? Again the Bible says in Romans
6:23 The wages of sin is death...
So you say, Im a brave paratrooper, so I die? But, its not your JumpMaster
youre going to stand before, its the God Almighty.
The Scriptures remind us, inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once
and after this comes judgement. Hebrews 9:27
Now thats a total malfunction! But there is good news.
1 Corinthians 15:3-4 says, For what I received I
passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ
died for our sins according to the Scriptures, [4] that
He was buried, that He was raised on the third day
according to the Scriptures...
and John 5:24 says, I tell you the truth, whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.
Now you say, I dont want to act like a Cherry, I dont want to go through
life without a spiritual reserve. Hold on Paratrooper, lets have an attitute check. Jesus Christ doesnt just want to be your reserve, He wants to be your Lord. That means
an ABOUT FACE We are talking about a change in the way you think about the things you do wrong and a desire to do something about
it. The Bible calls this attitude repentance.
So, if you have the right attitude, youre
ready to exit the door. Take the leap of faith.
You have faith in your parachute. Certainly
you can have faith in God. And it takes faith
to save you from eternal disaster.
John 1:12 says, Yet to all who received Him,
to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children
of God...
With the right attitude you can pray the prayer on the next page.
Pray this prayer and receive Christ as you personal Lord and Savior.
Father, I know I have messed up and have done plenty of things that You
dont like. I agree with You that I have sinned. But I believe You sent Your
Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty for my sin by dying on the cross so
I can be forgiven. I ask You now for Your forgiveness and the gift of eternal
life through Christ. Take control of my life and change me for Your glory.
In Christs Holy Name I pray, AMEN.
Well, Paratrooper, if you prayed that
prayer with sincerity, theres no worry about total malfunctions. Youve made the
most important decision of your life.
Now the next step as a Christian Trooper is to grow in your faith.
You can do that by:
J-Join a Bible believing church or chapel.
U-Unite with other believers for regular fellowship.
M-Make Christ the priority in your life.
P-Pray and read the Bible daily.
and Soldiers Prayers
our Father Help me to remain true to my ideals during my service to my country. Help me be what is in America, the land
of the free. May I realize that I represent what our country stands for. My uniform is a symbol of duty and valor both in peace and in war. I take up arms to
defend what all Americans hold dear: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Grant
me the strength to live according to these ideals, the courage of my convictions, and the resolve to endure whatever dangers
threaten. With you at our side I fear no evil and resist every enemy, secure in the knowledge that you hold me in the palm
of your hand. Amen. Source:
by an Unknown Confederate Soldier
I ask God for strength, that I might achieve;
I was made weak, that I might learn humbly to obey.
I asked for health, that I might do great things;
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.
I asked for riches that I might be happy;
I was given poverty, that I might be wise.
I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men;
I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God.
I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life;
I was given life that I might enjoy all things.
I got nothing that I asked for-but everything I had hoped
Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.
I among all men, am the most richly blessed. (Senator Max
Just a Simple Soldier
He was getting old and paunchy and his hair was falling fast and he sat around
the Legion telling stories of the past, of a war that he had fought in and the deeds that he had done in his exploits with
his buddies; they were heroes, every one. and tho sometimes to his neighbors, his tales became a joke, All his buddies listened,
for they knew where of he spoke. But well hear his tales no longer, for old Bob has passed away and the worlds a little poorer,
for a soldier died today. No he wont be mourned by many, just his children and his wife, For he lived an ordinary very quiet
sort of life, He held a job and raised a family, quietly going on his way; And the world wont note his passing; tho a soldier
died today. When politicians leave this earth, their bodies lie in state, while
thousands note their passing and proclaim that they were great, Papers tell of their life stories from the time that they
were young, but the passing of a soldier goes unnoticed, and unsung. Is the greatest
contribution to the welfare of our land some jerk who breaks his promise and cons his fellow man? Or the ordinary fellow who
in times of war and strife Goes off to serve his Country and offers up his life? The
politicians stipend and the style in which he lives Are sometimes disproportionate to the services he gives, While the ordinary
soldier, who offered up his all, Is paid off with a medal, and perhaps a pension small.
Its so easy to forget them, for it was so long ago That our Bobs and Jims and Johnnys went to battle, but we know It
was not the politicians, with their compromise and ploys, Who won for us the freedom that our country now enjoys. Should you find yourself in danger with your enemies at hand, would you really want some cop-out with his
ever-waffling stand? Or would you want a soldier who has sworn to defend His home, his kin, and country, and would fight until
the end? He was just a common soldier and his ranks are growing thin but his
presence should remind us, we may need his like again. For when countries are in conflict, then we find the soldiers part
is to clean up all the troubles that the politicians start. If we cannot do him honor while hes here to hear the praise, then
at least lets give him homage at the ending of his days. Perhaps a simple headline in the paper that might say:
Infantrymans Prayer
Almighty God, whose will it is that we be leaders of men,
hear us as we come to you for guidance in this awesome responsibility. Let us
never forget our duty to the men whom we lead. May we instill in them the qualities
of loyalty, integrity and duty. Grant us patience in dealing with the mistakes
of our fellow men. Let us never forget that no man is perfect but that perfection
for fragile humans is trying each day to be better than the day before. Give
us courage, O Lord, in the face of danger keep us pure in heart, clean in mind, and strong of purpose. Remind us that wisdom is not gained in an hour, a day, or in
a year but it is a process that continues all the days of our lives. Keep ever
before us our goal which is not perpetrate war but to safeguard peace and preserve your great gift to manFREEDOM. May you always be near to guide in our failures, and keep us humble in our successes. We ask your Devine blessings and leadership as we discharge the honor and responsibility of leading men
in the service of our country. Walk close to us always, our Father, that we may
not fail.
O Lord, our God, we beseech your protection and care of the soldiers of armor.
Give them courage to accept their task and skill and fortitude to carry out their mission. As they defend may you grant them
the knowledge that you, O. God Most High are their shield. Amen. CH CPT Joseph J. Kraintz, Jr., Ft. Knox
2nd Armored Cav
Almighty, merciful, and loving Father, you are the one
who hears all our prayers and grants our petitions. We, the troopers of the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, ask youto
remember, as we do, the tremendous sacrifice made by those who went before us.They have given their lives so that we might
live and breathe freely. We ask you to receive them into your hands. Father, give us the strength and wisdom to learn from
their example, to uphold freedom and life at home and around the world. Keep us vigilant as we guard the frontiers of freedom.
Give our leaders the wisdom and the strength to lead well. Grant all of us courage and confidence.
Be, for all of us, troopers, a wise counsel in keeping peace and a strong
shield for us against our enemies. Oh heavenly Father, give us the determination that the peace and freedom won at such a
high price be lasting! Father, hold all of the troopers of the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment in the palm of your
almighty hand and protect us in the shadow of your wings. Amen.
Regimental Prayer,11th Armored Cavalry
Lord God, as you have called us to this Regiment, help us now to serve it
with selflessness and courage. Strengthen us to persevere in the soldierly virtues of Saint George, our Patron. Guide us always
in the discharge of our duties. Show us the way to true peace and grant us the wisdom to pursue it. Watch over us, Father,
as we face the trials that await us. This we pray in Your Name. Amen. Source:
Chaplain 35th Signal ABN
Almighty and eternal Father of us all, we give You thanks
for this evenings festivities which bring is together as members and friends of the Artillery Corps. As soldiers, help us
always to be aware of our nee for Your Providential care and protection, in the calm of peace as well as in the terror of
We pray that You will continue to protect us as individuals, to protect our
families, to protect the Artillery Corps, to protect our Armed Forces, and most of all to protect our nation, which we have
pledged to defend with our lives. If need be, help us to walk into the valley of the shadow of death and to fear no evil,
because we know that You are with us, even in the face of death itself because You are our God and we are Your people. We
pray, O Lord, that You are bless the celebrations and the events of this evenings festivities.
Bless the food which is ours to enjoy. Bless our distinguished guests and commanders. Be with us and bless us all,
for it is in the name of our Lord that we pray.Amen. CH MAJ Thomas E. Cook,
Jr., Fort Hood, TX
Oh Lord, bless this time of festivity, food and fellowship with Your divine
presence. Be with all the soldiers of artillery. Grant unto them, like Saint Barbara, the qualities of courage and faith that
they, like her, would be able to face danger without surrender of principles. Equip us for the daily battles in the spiritual
warfare we must wage. Oh, Lord, we do readily accept our firing missions against all enemies of the soul. Whether with hip
shot or long shot, give our rounds the true azimuth and elevation to bracket and destroy the targets of selfishness, hatred
and greed. Sustain us with the strength to fire for effect on every habit that would enslave us. Give us the courage to level
our aim for direct fire against every temptation that seeks to storm the citadel of the soul. Grant us victory and peace in
our lives. AMEN. CH COL Ocie I Courtney HQ, Fourth Army
Dear Heavenly Father, in Your great wisdom and power You watch over every
one of us each day. All praise, honor, and glory be given to Your name. And now in the daily responsibility we have as an
aviation unit, we ask for special guidance now. We ask for a strengthened trust between our pilot, crew chiefs, and other
maintenance personnel as they rely on each other to have the helicopters (planes) in excellent working condition for the safe
transportation of people and equipment. We ask for a special guidance for the other personnel in various categories of support
needed to accomplish the mission, that they respond to the best of their ability. And that in the final outcome of all missions,
the men, women, and machines will protect our country successfully and safely. This we pray in the name of Jesus Christ our
Lord. AMEN. CH CPT Robert Swales, Sr. Fort Hood, TX
The Cadet Prayer, USMA
O God,
Our Father, Thou Searcher of human hearts, help us to draw near to Thee in sincerity and truth. May our religion be
filled with gladness and may our worship of Thee be natural.Strengthen and increase
our admiration for honest dealing and clean thinking, and suffer not our hatred of hypocrisy and pretense ever to diminish.
Encourage us in our endeavor to live above the common level of life. Make us
to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong, and never to be content with a half truth when the whole can be won.
Endow us with courage that is born of loyalty
to all that is noble and worthy, that scorns to compromise with vice and injustice and knows no fear when truth and right
are in jeopardy. Guard us against flippancy and irreverence in the sacred things in life. Grant us new ties of friendship
and new opportunities of service. Kindle our hearts in fellowship with those of a cheerful countenance, and soften our hearts
with sympathy for those sorrow and suffer. Help us to maintain the honor of the Corps untarnished and unsullied and to show
forth in lives the ideals of West Point in doing our duty in Thee and our Country. All of which we ask in the Great Friend
and Master of all.
O Lord our God, we are thankful for this occasion
which brings us together as professionals and as friends. We pray that You will reinforce the ties which bind us together
through the Engineer Branch as a whole and through the organizations we belong to as individuals. Grant us the faith, stamina
and courage we need to carry out our mission in times of peace as well as in times of war. Bless our time together and the
food that is ours to enjoy. In the name of our Lord. AMEN. CH MAJ Thomas Cook, Jr.
Fort Hood, TX
Dear God in Heaven, bless Your holy name. May Your kingdom soon come, and
Your will daily be done on earth as it is in heaven. Help me to be grateful for todays MREs and the purified water in our
canteen, they will see me through. Forgive me for the times Ive not talked or acted like Your son; Ill work hard on improving
my language and behavior along with my light fighter skills. In every area of my life help me to really be the best I can
be. And help me not to fall for some slick lie and make a fool of myself. I know
there is no better self in any substance, controlled or uncontrolled, than the one You gave me. When Im down, lift me up.
I trust Your leadership above all and will by Your grace, climb to glory, to the top. Amen. CH MAJ Dennis Camp, Fort Drum,
Lord, life isnt easy in the infantry. The field is often less than ideal.
Its too hot or too cold, too wet or too dry. The work is often demanding, but more often the fatigue of waiting overtakes
us. Lord, provide us assurance of Your presence with us in the down times as well as the battle. Help us to seek Your face.
When we have walked miles with rucksack and gear, may the feeling of release we experience at the removal of our loads remind
us that You offer rest, an easy yoke and a light load if we follow You. No, Lord life isnt easy in the infantry. Help us to
continue our vigil for peace. We dont want war and we pray You will keep the world at peace. If, in Your plan we must fight,
may we do so in accordance with Your law and for the good of others and of our
nation. Thank You, Lord, for the presence with us today! In Your Holy Name. AMEN. CH CPT Jimmy Rucker Fort Ord, CA
CH LTC John Shaddix, Ft. McClellan
Lord God, our strength for evermore, whose might reach
from shore to mountain heights to shore again, protect the soldiers who must defend the ground we call our native land. Hear
us when we pray and bless their courage in the face of fear. AMEN.
.CH CPT Jimmy Rucker, Fort Ord, CA
Lord, we are infantry soldiers. We know that You help us as we go about the
job of protecting the citizens of our nation and the world. Keep us mindful of our responsibilities to be dedicated professionals.
Often we feel discouraged and need the encouragement of Your Spirit. Keep us from allowing cynicism to rob us of the joys
of life; family and friends, work and worship. Keep us mindful of the value You place on human life Lord. Help is to have
that same respect for life. Grant us peace. Lord, in our time. AMEN
Military Police Corps Regimental
Chaplain Michael E. Yarman
Heavenly Father - we approach You today because You have called us to be a
people of prayer. We praise You because You are our Creator, or Redeemer, and
our Provider. We acknowledge our great need for You as we fulfill our mission
as soldiers. We have been called to serve our nation as Military Police and we are proud of
the honored heritage of the Regiment and our motto: Of the Troops and
For the Troops. Whether we are fighting an enemy, securing an area, patrolling the streets, or helping someone in distress,
help us O Lord to always be men and women of integrity who can be counted on to do the right thing. Give us the strength to
stand for what is right and to oppose those who would do harm to our Nation and the people we serve. May we always be truthful
in Word, Deed, and Signature, bringing honor through our service to the memory of those in the Regiment who gave the supreme
sacrifice for their country. Guide us now Father, by giving us wisdom and knowledge
from on high, that as Military Police we will always be prepared to Assist-Protect-Defend.
(The Military Police Corps Regimental Prayer was composed by the Regimental
Chaplain, Chaplain Michael E. Yarman. It was accepted by the MP Regimental Association
on 3 May 1999.)
CH CPT David Shafer,Fort Knox, KY
Almighty God, Ruler of the Universe and sustainer of mankind, we humbly entreat
your favor upon this the Ordinance Corps. This corps and as its heart the finest and truly most capable men and women in the
service. We ask that you bless these soldiers and their families that support them. Grant that they would follow the unmistakable
paths of honor, justice and peace.
May their efforts in promoting peace overcome those obstacles that hinder
the realization of their dreams. Encourage them with Your presence, enable them with your thoughts and deliver them with your
Ordinance (Official)
Our Father, we pray for the strength of mind, heart and body to continue to
serve our Army and our Nation. Help us to remember and emulate the heritage of
excellence set by those who established, nurtured and led the Ordnance Corps before us.
May the shell and flame continue to light the way towards selfless service, dedication, professionalism, and passionate
patriotism as we support our Nations role as the leading force toward peace and liberty in the world. Oh Lord, we ask that
you provide us the wisdom to continually take charge of change and shape the Ordnance Corps to provide service to the line,
on the line, on time. Guide us as we seek to establish our heritage of
courage and honor through our daily duties. Give us strength to accept our responsibility
to our fellow soldiers as we seek to fix and arm the force. Oh God of our Fathers, bless our efforts to provide the Armament
for Peace and protect us if we much answer the call to arms to defend our Faith, our Liberty, and our Freedom. Teach us not to mourn those who have died in the service of the Corps, but rather to gain strength from
the fact that such heroes have lived. Teach us to stand together in Your Name
so that we may remain strong and that the Ordnance Corps shall remain the architect for our Army and our Nation. Amen.
Eternal God, our Heavenly Father, we give humble thanks
for Your rich blessings on our country and our military services. We are particularly thankful for the thousands of men and
women who have served in, and support the Army Transportation Corps and we pray Your rich and continued blessings upon them.
We thank you for the progress made in the Corps, for the good work of its of its present and past chiefs, and pray that the
months and years ahead will bring continued divine assistance.
We humbly pray that, in addition to our military and technical
skills, we will be enriched by the eternal and foundational values upon which our nation is structured, and by which our people
are strengthened. Enable each of us assembled to renew our commitment to serving with efficiency and honor. And as we eat
food together, be among us as the true bread of life; so that our collegial fellowship will not be only with one another,
but also with You, dear Father. For the glory of Your name, we pray. AMEN. CH COL Henry Hunt ,HQ FORSCOM
Corps Regimental Prayer
Lord of life, God of our Fathers, we give you thanks for our rich American
Heritage; a heritage which encompasses years of American endeavor, and one which includes the true noble spirit of the Army
Transportation Corps. We give you thanks for the soldiers of the Transportation Corps Regiment, who have historically served
our country in peace and war. We especially thank you for those who gave the
ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our freedom. We ask blessing on the members of the Transportation Regiment and their
families as they serve our nation worldwide. Keep them ever mindful of duty, honor and country. We ask that you keep the Transportation
Corps Regiment physically fit and strong in the determination to do the just and right. Encourage its leaders to continually
build a Regiment that strengthens the Army and nation. AMEN. (Official Regt. Prayer)